
Working at PIH, Tomesha Campbell got a firsthand look at the power of partnership among patients, clinicians, and donors.

“I saw the obstacles my colleagues faced to ensure health care was a human right—and I got to see them overcome these obstacles with the support of donors,” Tomesha said. “The people accessing the care and resources they provide are the future leaders of tomorrow.”

After departing for another career opportunity, Tomesha remained inspired by PIH’s mission. When her father unexpectedly passed away, she became motivated to create her will, including a bequest to PIH.

“Unfortunately, my father didn’t get the opportunity to create his estate plan,” she explained. “This lit a fire under me to create my own plan to ensure that the causes, organizations, and people that are important to me are remembered. I thought, ‘What better way to show my lifelong commitment than remembering PIH?’"

See how you can create a legally valid will in 20 minutes. Contact our Legacy Gift Planning team for more information: | 857-880-5717 |

The gift planning material presented on this website is not offered as legal, tax, or financial advice. Prospective supporters are urged to consult with an attorney, financial advisor, estate planner, or accountant before making any arrangements or gifts.