A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals and benefit PIH in ways that may not be possible through lifetime gifts.

Giving through your estate plan generates a charitable estate tax deduction and substantial tax savings. You may direct all or a portion of your estate to PIH. 


A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals and benefit PIH.

Bequest Language for Donors

Sample bequest language is offered below for your legal counsel’s consideration in preparing your will or trust. This enables you to make generous gifts that may not be possible during your lifetime.

Beneficiary Designation

While most assets transferred through a will, retirement plans and life insurance policies are governed by a separate document, called a beneficiary designation.

The gift planning material presented on this website is not offered as legal, tax, or financial advice. Prospective supporters are urged to consult with an attorney, financial advisor, estate planner, or accountant before making any arrangements or gifts.